Traditions are an important part of family life, even for a dog, and I always thought The Sunday Roast was one of them in our family at least.
Like most Spaniels, I have a good appetite – I don’t like the word ‘greedy’ that is so often applied to our breed, thank you – and there’s nothing I can think of that I wouldn’t try at least once. I’m not too particular where I find it either and, frankly, if someone is careless enough to drop a tasty morsel on the floor, I consider it to be mine.
I have two tasty meals a day – breakfast and dinner – with meat and biscuits but Sunday is treat day and I look forward to it all week. Lying in the garden, I close my eyes and try to guess it if will be roast chicken, a joint of silverside or pork loin. All come with at least three vegetables, succulent roasties and, of course, thick, meaty home-made gravy. Mouthwatering!
So when our new cooker arrived this last week, I really thought the humans would go to town testing the thing with a full Sunday dinner. But, guess what? Because of the heat, they ditched the roast and had salad. SALAD! I ask you! Do I look like a rabbit?
Happily for me, the neighbours decided to have a barbecue that evening so I placed myself strategically under the table and managed to get some meaty treats that way. Bon appetit everyone!