I pick up titbits of all sorts from under the table. And before you think ‘typical greedy Spaniel’, I don’t just mean the food variety!
When I started this blog, I mentioned I was picking up all sorts of words connected with books and writing from my human author as I lay at her feet when she was typing away and on the ‘phone to co-writer Mike or publisher Wendy.
This past week I have been learning about book cover design, which has opened up a whole new range of vocabulary, including ‘fonts’ and ‘typeface’ and ‘thumbnail appearance’.
Normally, it’s quite peaceable lying on someone’s feet under a cool, dark table but from the amount of fidgeting going on and the speed with which emails were flying back and forth, I gathered something pretty important was happening about the cover design for ‘Lottery Loveboat’ which, as you must all know by now, is due out next year.
Pieces of paper were passed around and then spread out all over the kitchen table for various people to look at and make comments on followed by some busy email exchanges with the designer who, I gather, is called Mark.
It’s all gone quiet again now but, from what I can gather, there’s going to be something called ‘the reveal’ happening soon. I’m not exactly sure what that is – my vocabulary hasn’t extended that far yet – but I do know that the humans are pretty excited. And if they are excited, so am I and once I know more, I’ll tell you all about it!