Lying under the garden table in the hope of some titbits – food that is, not conversation – I overheard my humans talking about a weather warning because of the heat and I have to admit, I’m feeling it!
Routines have changed at home mainly because a) we moved house a couple of months ago and b) my humans now have ‘normal’ day jobs but now because of the weather. It means my walks are now at the very start of the day and the very end. During the day, I snooze under the fir trees – and when I say under, I mean right underneath! In fact, I find digging out a small hole in the earth under the trees a very cooling place to snooze away the mid-day heat.
Sometimes our walks take us to the river or, better still, to the beach. Porthkidney at Hayle is a favourite of mine and we were there yesterday evening right at the end of the day, enjoying an evening swim before the sun set.
Some of my best beaches are off the list until the holidaymakers go home because they are banned to dogs over the summer. It’s a shame, but they get so busy at this time of year that I’m happy to leave them to the visitors until Autumn when they are at their best with the sea still pleasantly warm and fewer people around so I can run up and down to my heart’s content.
But it’s too hot for running right now. I’m happy chilling under the trees and let sleeping dogs lie, I say!