I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself today after two trips to the vet in the past few days. The vets themselves are lovely people but it’s what they have to do to me I’m not quite so happy about!
Trip number one last week was about a lump between my shoulder blades. It wasn’t bothering me but the humans seemed a bit worried about it so I had to endure a needle being stuck in me to take a sample for it to be checked out. It didn’t hurt as they put some stuff on me beforehand and I got a huge amount of fuss and attention all the while I was there.
I also felt quite proud of myself because some of the other dogs there were real cowardy custards – barking, refusing to go with the vet and, in one case, a big German Shepherd/Collie cross making a beeline for the front door when someone opened!
They say pride comes before a fall and today’s second visit was not half as much fun and I’m not feeling quite so smug today.
I’ve had to have a staple put in my chest where I tore it open on some barbed wire during a walk on the coast path yesterday, plus a shot of penicillin.
I’d been having such fun as it was a beautiful hot and sunny day. I’d had a paddle at St Loy Cove and run around on the rocks before racing down the path towards Lamorna. When the humans stopped to sit on a rock, I took myself for a run around the cliff and didn’t spot the barbed wire fence. I tried to be very brave about it and carried on with the walk but the humans soon spotted the blood on my white fur so that was that. It was home and a time for an application of some dreadfully pongy stuff called TCP.
That’s put paid to some of my more adventurous exploits for at least a week as all walks will have to be done on the lead until the staple comes out. Sigh! At least I don’t have to wear one of those dreadful head collars. Oh, and the lump has proved to be nothing to worry about.